Dental Image_Schedule



Schedule an appointment

At Dental Image, your oral health is our priority. Schedule your appointment today and discover a personalized service that adapts to your needs.

Schedule an appointment with us

At Dental Image we care about your comfort. Use our form to book your appointment. Our team will contact you to confirm your visit and answer any questions you may have.

Schedule an online consultation

Request a free online consultation with our patient care specialist. We will answer all your questions and explain in more detail the treatment you are looking for.

What will you get when you make an online consultation?

  • Resolve any questions about dental treatments
  • Information about your first visit
  • Dental Insurance Verification. We accept all insurances.
Group 1171274991

Find your nearest office and let's begin this journey towards optimal dental health together!

Icono pin, ubicación, mapa, marcador, marcador de posición Clinic’s Address:
Bulevar Lázaro Cárdenas 18102 Otay Constituyentes, 22457, Tijuana, B.C.

Icono teléfono, call Contact:
First-time patient: local MX (664) 905-7510
U.S. +52 664-204-3536
Existing patient: local MX (664) 905-7503
U.S. 619-734-2331

Icono tiempo, alarma, cronómetro, reloj, hora, temporizador Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30am – 7:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Icono pin, ubicación, mapa, marcador, marcador de posición Clinic’s Address:
Av. Sonora #3805 Recta
Chapultepec, Tijuana, B.C.

Icono teléfono, call Contact:
First-time patient: local MX (664) 686-3597
U.S. +52 664-204-3536

Existing patient: local MX (664) 215-6495
U.S. 619-272-8617

Icono tiempo, alarma, cronómetro, reloj, hora, temporizador Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30am – 7:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Icono pin, ubicación, mapa, marcador, marcador de posición Clinic’s Address:
Paseo Pedregal #460 Int. 4
Sección Terrazas de Mendoza, Playas de Tijuana, Tijuana, B.C.

Icono teléfono, call Contact:
First-time patient: local MX (664) 976-5911
U.S. +52 664-204-3536

Existing patient: local MX (664) 976-5911
U.S. 619-330-0492

Icono tiempo, alarma, cronómetro, reloj, hora, temporizador Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30am – 7:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Icono pin, ubicación, mapa, marcador, marcador de posición Clinic’s Address:
Blvd. Cochimíes #16210
Zona Río 3era Etapa, Tijuana B.C.

Icono teléfono, call Contact:
First-time patient: local MX (664) 625-0222
U.S. +52 664-204-3536

Existing patient: local MX (664) 660-9505

Icono tiempo, alarma, cronómetro, reloj, hora, temporizador Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri: 10:30am – 7:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sunday: Closed